Buying Property Abroad

Learning the Language


Investing in a vacation or retirement home has long been a dream, but it should be approached rationally. There will be roadblocks that may not occur back home, and arguing with local governments or tradesmen can cause issues down the road. Learning the language if it is not the same is a good first step in being able to deal with local regulations and building issues. It is also important to appreciate the culture where the house is being built or purchased.

Language may seem relatively easy as phones today have translation programs in them. These programs do work fairly well, but there can still be misunderstandings. Many people in any situation where someone does not speak their language well will work hard at overcoming the issues, but that does not always solve them. It can be worth a lot of laughter when some translations go completely wrong, so having a sense of humour helps.

There are many lovely vacation areas where the lifestyle is laid back, so those coming from a different culture need to make adjustments. The people in small towns or villages along the seashore are not lazy or ignorant. Their lifestyle suits the prevailing conditions and culture they have grown up with, and that needs to be respected. Attempting to push people to act in a different way can cause resentment, so it should be avoided at all costs. Learning to wait may be one of the best ways to fit into an area and be appreciated by those already living there.

The differences in language and culture are often what draws people to a specific area, but they may lose patience once they have relocated. Getting a house built may be a matter of a few months back home, but it could take a great deal longer in their new location. Transportation issues, cultural holidays, and even language barriers can all slow down the process.